Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Hottest Toys for Christmas and My Kid Wants One! UGH

"Mommy, Mommy! Did you see that!?" I look over at the TV and notice the Zhu Zhu Pets commercial in the background. "Yes honey those look awfully interesting" Well since then that is just about all I hear about.
Has your kid seen the hottest toy since Cabbage Patch Dolls? Well in fact they are pretty cool, but when I went to look for them, they cannot be found. If you want to pay 400% over cost you may buy them on but if you have a budget, as we do, 50.00 for a electronic hamster is high.
I recently read an article online that states that they are one of the hottest toys this season, and even better the stores are not ordering enough so there is not enough to go around. Now as a parent who wants their little one to have the one item they REALLY want under the tree I called in the troops and asked my family to help out.
My brother Gregory has been on the Zhu Zhu hunt. He has found several Zhu Zhu items, while some are still eluding him. That's ok. One little girl is going to be VERY VERY happy with the items that she gets!
This is what Christmas is about though, FAMILY. It's not about items, it is about family, and taking a moment to show each other love and affection. It seems like we have commercialized it soooo much that the meaning of it is gone. Jesus, Mary and Joseph... we need to remember why we have Christmas at all.
Thanks to my brother for helping to make a little girls Christmas wish come true! She loves her uncle cheesehead.

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